14 days later & the cleansing continues…

It has been a really busy few weeks – and this cleanse, I believe, has helped me keep on top of things and stay healthy during a stressful month! I’m on day 20 of this cleanse and I’m feeling great! Tomorrow will mark 21 days with no caffeine – except for a little chocolate I’ve had.

This weekend was hard for me to keep a clean diet – so I did cheat a little bit…but breaded pickles sounded so good when I was DDing for all my friends and sitting at the bowling alley (and it was the healthiest choice I had for munchies). Aside from a little cheat – I’ve been keeping pretty clean – staying away from a lot of diary, animal proteins, and processed foods. Smoothies have been my saving grace over the past few weeks, as you can change them a lot and they are tasty, filling, and full of healthy produce! I’ve been keeping mine relatively simple – some locally made and fresh, raw, organic greek yogurt, frozen bananas, and a combo of strawberries/blueberries/kiwi/spinach/kale, and Universal Greens blend!  Sometimes I go for a chocolate smoothie – like I’ve shared on this blog before, but I’ve been adding in cacao nibs as well – which give it a little crunch!

Today was the end of Owner’s Appreciation Week at the People’s Food Co-op so I just stocked up on a bunch of goodies – including raw almonds, fruits & veggies, some turkey, mozzarella cheese, oatmeal, and kombucha! I think I’m going to go for another round of homemade chicken no noodle soup as it was delicious and a much needed healing broth when I was going through my healing crisis.

My energy level has been excellent – I couldn’t be happier with the results :) I’ve been waking up an hour or so before my usual time, feeling energized and well-rested, which is better than things had been for the past few months. I also recently started to notice the enamel on my front few teeth was deteriorating. I try to keep up on the brushing/flossing teeth business and always have considered myself to have good teeth – so this was really alarming. I did a lot of research and most things said that whitening toothpaste was good (but I don’t use that stuff, I use natural toothpaste and hopefully will be making my own when this tube runs out) so anyway – one blog I read recommended taking some Cal/Mag supplements – so I added those back into my routine. I’ve been taking just 2 Mag/Cal supplements with lunch for the past 2 weeks and have noticed amazing changes. I’m going to do it for a month straight and share some pictures because I think this is amazing! I also think it happened because of my high intake of lemon juice in drinks (water, tea, toddys) so I’ve reduced my use of lemon juice and that may have helped too.

So as this cleanse is slowing coming to an end, I’ll be done NEXT Monday – I’m thinking about following up with a Bepure cleanse from Universal Formulas (the wonderful company I work for!). Last year, I did the Bepure cleanse as my first experience with a cleanse EVER and I loved it! They are giving me the opportunity to cleanse again, starting March 23rd, and to blog about my experience for the second time around! I’m really excited to do this – as I think I’ll just feel even better than I do now! :)

So another update on things – as I feel that cleansing your body also should be a part of cleansing your soul – so I’m keeping up with hot yoga and deep breathing, as well as doing more volunteering and other hobbies that I’ve neglected throughout my high school and college career. I recently bought a few more houseplants and am working on my green thumb. I’m hoping to buy a house within the next 6 months so I decided to get ahead and start preparing to be an adult, with a house, and making it my home! I’ve been doing a lot of research on composting, gardening for beginners, and becoming a foster dog mom – so big things are in the works for me! I also started doing some volunteer work for the PFC (see above) and I’ll be attending, photographing, and Tweeting about their cooking classes – so I’ll be able to share that information over the next few months!

Until next time – peace & love :)

Kobucha, Sleep, & Crop-tops

Good morning world! Today is a beautiful day as it is the end of my work/school week and I couldn’t be more ready! Lately it has been hard for me to sleep! Normally, I’m a sleeping machine. I like to sleep but I also like to be up early and active throughout the day! In the past, I have relied on coffee for that energy boost, but ever since completing the Bepure Cleanse, I’ve been using less caffeine than usual!

A few things have been helping me get a little more sleep – I’ve been diluting my water before bed with Tracite to give my body trace minerals to aid each and every cell! I’ve also been taking Mag/Cal supplement – which helps with sleeping soundly and also my charlie horses. I have been known to wake up, in tears, in the middle of the night, with the worst charlie horses ever!

By cutting out caffeine (for the most part), I’ve been able to normalize sleep habits. However, I still sometimes crave the taste of coffee. Recently I discovered Kombucha! The newest love of my life. At the People’s Food Coop, they sell the Synergy brand – which is really delicious! However, it is a little bit out of my price range. I’ve decided that I’ll be making my own this summer. The first step is to make your own SCOBY – a culture/bacteria mushroom. I’ll definitely be posting those pictures once I do more research and start this adventure!


Since this winter, I’ve kept a pretty steady weight – 122lbs. This isn’t stick skinny, but I feel great! This year is the first time I’ve been comfortable enough to wear crop top shirts. Check out my other blog – The Classy Cunt Catalogue – to see my collection. I, also, am a big supporter of reused clothes! I do most of my shopping at thrift stores. I’ve found some amazing things at Salvation Army this past year! Here’s one of my favorites – coral maxi, blue and printed tank top that ties – super casual and comfy!


Well, tonight I have a statistics exam, so I need to get nourished and study my little butt off until 6pm! Well…I guess I’ll wait a few hours until I begin that! There are a few HUGE garage sales happening this weekend so hopefully I’ll find some amazing articles to share with you all! Thanks for reading :) I promise I’ll be better at updating this from here on out!