Bepure, Breakfast, & Buddha

Today is Day 5 of the Bepure cleanse and I’m feeling great! I woke up with a good amount of energy, after a sound night of sleep – which is always a blessing in a busy life! No complaints here – I did some yoga yesterday and it felt amazing. I’m really noticing progress and hope to continue on this journey of enhancing my health and well-being. The other night, I enjoyed a nice evening in with my best friend. We had dropped off my big computer (also functions as my TV for streaming Netflix) and my apartment felt empty…so we did a little rearrangement, lit some candles, enjoyed my house plants, and zenned out.


An orchid from a friend…I thought I had killed it, until I researched orchids and realized that they don’t stay bloomed all year round…but this flower has been in bloom since December, so I feel like a little flower momma.


My brother got this Buddha for me in China and I love it!

I wanted to talk about breakfast, in this post, as breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, an important one, and many people aren’t getting enough nutrients in theirs! So, I used to be a bacon, egg, and cheese on some kind of bread type of girl…but over the past few months, I’ve changed that a bit. Now, everyone once in a while, there is nothing like a mouthwatering breakfast of treats – including bacon, french toast, cheesy eggs, and some english muffins – but that can’t be a daily breakfast, as you NEED more nutrients. So, over the past few months, I have expanded my breakfast routine and added in some great choices!

Today, my breakfast consisted of oatmeal, apple slices, and a grapefruit. I woke up, took my Bepure Morning formulation with a big glass of water with lime juice…and started working! Around 9 am, I threw together a breakfast. Now, I soak my organic rolled oats in a mixture of water and greek yogurt. This helps to break down the fibers in the oatmeal, allowing your body to absorb more nutrients, and it also makes it cook a LOT quicker. I don’t eat instant oatmeal…so this way, I get the ease of instant, with the taste and health benefits of real oatmeal. So I put the soaked oats in a little simmering pot of water (the water is like 1/2” in the bottom of the pot, depending on how much oatmeal you are cooking). Then I cook the oatmeal for about 3 minutes, until it looks like it is cooked, slightly creamy, and before it burns.

IMG_6701After I have the oatmeal together, I put in a tiny bit of organic, unsalted butter – ground flaxseeds (approx. 2 tsps) – raisins – and peanut butter. This is something that you can adjust to your liking – maybe walnuts or almonds, maybe dried cherries, maybe chia seed – whatever works! Sometimes I drizzle a little bit of maple syrup over it, but it doesn’t always need it. It is a perfectly breakfast, with a big side of fruit (grapefruit is my favorite), and end it with a “hug in a mug” – my go to drink – a little apple cider vinegar and honey with hot water!

I hope that everyone is enjoying their cleansing experience. Remember to be aware of your body – listen – do you need more sleep? More water? Less exercise? A little more fruits/veggies? Whatever your body needs, give it. But don’t give in to cravings…I pushed through my chocolate craving last night – and you can too!

IMG_6737We (Universal Formulas) recently rebranded our Bepure cleanse and I think it looks great! The new design and website really highlight the cleansing experience – tranquility, calm, and clean – what do you think?

Enjoy the first week of the Bepure cleanse, and if this Easter/Passover weekend brings travels into your life (I’m heading to D.C. after work today) then safe travels! Love yourself & others!


BePure Day 12!

So we are now over half way through the BePure cleanse! It’s been an amazing journey so far and I have no complaints! I began increasing my dosage yesterday, going from 3 to 4 capsules of each formula. I decided to do this to  push my body to the most beneficial cleanse possible. Since I’ve been able to eliminate all the foods recommended, I feel that my body is able to handle the highest dosage of the BePure cleansing formulas! The diet is starting to get harder as time goes on. I don’t necessarily think this is cleanse related, but mostly a personal problem. I have always eaten what I wanted, because I normally just want healthy food. However, the past few days, I’ve been craving some warm, heavy, and greasy food. I could REALLY go for a bacon cheeseburger with some jalapenos…with a yummy beer…followed by a to-die-for dessert! Ha. But I’m not going to give in! I think I’ve been so used to being able to eat what I want, when I want, that the lack of freedom to enjoy makes it more desired. We learn about this is some classes – if you get the freedom of choice taken away, the subject desires it more than before.

I’m also a big believer in listening to your body. I know that I may want a greasy cheeseburger, but if I ate one, I probably wouldn’t feel too good. I also believe that you shouldn’t starve your body. Once I complete the cleanse and IF I still want a cheeseburger, I’ll make my own. I’ll use local and organic beef, cheese, and toppings! I won’t do a HUGE portion – just a good-sized one. I also don’t ever eat the top bun on a burger, top piece of bread on a sandwich, etc, because I don’t like the taste of bread. I like the taste of everything else on my sandwich. Okay, I’m starting to get sidetracked and now I’m daydreaming, once again, about this bacon cheeseburger…

This weekend, my mother, sister, and I, are heading down to Washington, D.C. We will be celebrating Passover with my grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins! Passover is one of my favorite holidays. Although I am not a religious person, I do find comfort in celebrating the holidays. Passover, if you don’t know, is a Jewish holiday celebrating the Exodus from Egypt. When Moses took the Israelites from slavery to a new home, he “saved” them and brought them closer to God. The ten commandments become part of the history during this Exodus. To celebrate, a family holds a Seder – a dinner that involves a ritual and a meal. The Seder is usually 3 hours long, consisting of 4 courses and 3 glasses of wine. The food is healthier, as no levening can be used to cook for the full 7 days of Passover. You can learn more about Passover at the following site – – if you are interested! Normally my family celebrates Feaster! A feast during Easter, where we gather with our family in Michigan and eat away the hours of the day. I’ve never had an Easter basket, an Easter egg hunt, or a pretty dress to wear to services. I do love all holidays and think it is a great chance to be together with your family and loved ones. I hope that everyone has an enjoyable holiday weekend!

As this week is coming to an end…well since mine ends Thursday at 9pm…I need to get some homework done. I’m working on a 12 page term paper for my Advanced Sociology course. This has been a semester long research paper on a methodological topic of our choice. Since I’m a somewhat critical sociology student, I decided to focus on the ways that researchers use wording and structuring of survey questions to come up with their ideal statistics. I haven’t figured out a good title yet, and the one I’m using is a mouthful – Linguistic Complexity of Fixed-Answer Surveys and the Impact on Statistical Inferences – what do you think? Ha. Now I’m starting to think that I just used big words to sound smart. Who knows? I’ll be working on this paper after work today, as a rough draft is due tomorrow. But the final 12 page paper isn’t due until April 26th – so I’m thinking I’ll be okay! I’m great at writing papers…maybe that’s why I write random stuff in my blog. I’m also a big procrastinator but hopefully the lack of going out with friends will help me focus and write the best paper of my college career! We will see! Maybe I’ll upload and attach once it is finished…but I doubt anyone finds this topic interesting.

That’s all for now! If you’re cleansing with me – keep up the good work! How’s it going? Let me know :)